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ElSali Gems



Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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Black Moonstone is a beautiful and mystical variety of moonstone, known for its darker color, which can range from dark gray to almost black, often with a pearly or shimmery sheen. Like other moonstones, black moonstone has a unique visual effect called adularescence, which gives it a soft glow that seems to move beneath its surface.


Black moonstone is often used in Jewery. Black Moonstone, like all types of moonstone, belongs to the feldspar group of minerals. 

Hardness and Durability

Mohs Hardness: 6 - 6.5

Moonstone is relatively soft compared to many other gemstones, making it somewhat vulnerable to scratches and impact. Care should be taken when wearing black moonstone jewelry.


Luster and Optical Effects

Luster: Vitreous (glass-like)

Adularescence: Black moonstone exhibits a soft glow or shimmer, called adularescence, which results from light scattering between the layers of orthoclase and albite. This effect gives it a pearly or bluish sheen, adding to its visual appeal.


Color: While called "black," black moonstone usually has a dark gray, charcoal, or even dark brown base with flashes of silver, white, or blue.


Location and Formation

Formation: Moonstone forms in igneous rocks, particularly in granite and syenite. It’s also found in pegmatites, which are crystalline veins where many gemstones are located.


Sources: Black moonstone is found in places like Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and India, with Madagascar producing some of the highest-quality black moonstones.

 Specific Gravity

Density: 2.55 - 2.63

This density range is typical for feldspar minerals, giving moonstone a relatively light feel compared to denser stones like sapphire or diamond.

Black moonstone’s unique optical and structural properties make it popular among collectors, gem enthusiasts, and those interested in its metaphysical attributes. Its scientific qualities, particularly the layered feldspar structure, create its mesmerizing adularescent glow, which has captivated people for centuries.

Size: 1 in 

The price is for a single stone.

Each stone is carefully hand-selected for its unique beauty. As each one is naturally distinct, please expect subtle variations in color, texture, and size.

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